Black Market Labz

Black Market Labs | AdreN.O.lyn Underground

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    • Intense Energy*
    • Powerful Stimulation*
    • Enhanced Body Performance*
    • Elevated Focus*
    • High Powered Pump*

Price Per Serving: $1.99

Servings Per Container: 25

Suggested Use: Based on personal tolerance, take up to 1 serving with 10-12 oz. of water 15-45 minutes before training. 


PURPOSE: Not cocky, but calculated. Push your body to the edge and further, with more than 6 high energy stimulants, designed to help you take matters into your own hands. All eyes will be on you, as you push your body further and beyond.

Key Ingredients: Beta-Alanine, Citrulline Malate (2:1), L- Taurine, Dendrobium Nobile Extract 10:1 (Stem), Eria Jarensis, Juniper Berry, 300mg Caffeine Anhydrous.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.